Contact our Minister

If you or others are in a need of prayers, counseling, a wedding, funeral or other sacraments, or just a listening ear, ​you may contact our minister. Directly email her or leave a voice message for her to return your call.

Reverend Margaret O'Brien-

Phone: (913) 735-5681 (Our phone is not answered live, so please leave a message or text us.)

Email: info@kcsum​


• Baptism

• Holy Communion

• Confirmation

• Penance

• Marriage

• Anointing the Sick (including Last Rites)

• Ordination

Tenets of Faith

  1. Foundation, Head and Communicants of Church Universal and Triumphant

  2. God, Christ and the Soul

  3. Ascended Masters, Hierarchy, the Great White Brotherhood

  4. Sacred Scriptures, Progressive Revelation, the Messengers

  5. The Path of Becoming the Christ and the Buddha

  6. The Divine Mother and the Aquarian Age

  7. Baptism, Violet Flame, Balance of Karma

  8. The Nine Sacraments of the Church

  9. Free Will, Antichrist, Armageddon

  10. Sacrifice, Surrender, Selflessness and Service

  11. Law of the Tithe